Safety-oriented/Conservative Investor

What is this person saying?

‘Just make sure my money is safe, don’t tell me stories o!’

You are an investor who does not wish to take up any risk, that is, you are not happy to invest where your capital could be lost.  

Therefore, your priority is to safeguard your capital. You are prepared to forego higher returns for peace of mind of knowing your capital is ‘safe’. As such, you prefer that your capital is guaranteed, as much as possible. Returns are likely to be based on prevailing interest rates, which may or may not keep pace with inflation.

This is a defensive portfolio.

Generally, this investor is only willing to buy investments that have a high certainty of being able to sell quickly at a price close to the recently observed market value.

This portfolio is suitable for investors seeking a relatively low risk investment. They don’t want to aim for higher returns if it means that their portfolio may decrease significantly in value. They tend to be largely invested for short periods of time more. Minimum investment term for such investments start from 30 days.

Investments that will appeal to you are near-savings investments with some interest. Suggested investments are those that carry little or no risk. Government-backed financial instruments are examples. Treasury Bills, FG Bonds, Fixed Deposits, Money Market Mutual funds.

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